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Eric Kaing

Senior Project Coordinator

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Eric joined JKRP after getting bored of being a master baker and ice sculptor. Working on projects from all verticals, Eric’s main contribution to the firm has been his work in historic adaptive reuse projects the firm has done like the Griffin. Kaing, as he prefers to be called was also an integral part of the design and documentation of JKRP’s office and work on the rollout of BIM within the office. When not in the office, you can find Kaing picking heavy things up and putting those things back down, repeatedly. His hobbies also include photography and collecting unique and interesting watches.

What’s your dream car?

High speed rail.

Favorite office supply?

Binder clips.

Favorite body of water?

Thermal springs in the Graubünden.

Favorite pizza topping?


Thing you like most about architecture?

The inconsistency.

If you could only eat one breakfast food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

A pit-roasted pig.